How Company Returns and CIPC Returns Function?

It is mandatory for all organizations and corporations by law to file their annual returns with CIPC within a specific time period every year. An annual return is a statutory return as per Companies and Close Corporations Act and it is essential for organizations to comply with it. Failing to do so will make CIPC assume that the company is not involved in business or isn’t planning to do business in the days to come. Non-compliance with annual returns can lead to deregistration and the organization will cease to exist. Here are some ways in which company returns and CIPC returns work-

  • Organizations have 30 business from the date on which they became due for filing annual returns before they are non-compliant with Companies Act.
  • Close Corporations have right from the first day of their anniversary month for filing before they become non-compliant with Close Corporations Act.
  • Ensure that you always utilize your customer code for transacting with CIPC.
  • Annual returns can only filed electronically only.

Steps for filing annual returns and either financial accountability supplement or annual financial statements

Annual Returns need to be filed electronically on the website of CIPC or on CIPC’s Self-Service Terminal (CST). But, the SST process is only suitable for those firms and close corporations whose directors or members file annual returns on their own.

Register as customer

For seeing details on how you can register as a customer, click here. In case you have already registered yourself as a customer, and want to acquire details of your customer code and password, go to step 2.

Estimate, file and pay your annual return

In order to see the step by step guide for calculating, filing and paying your outstanding annual returns, . The confirmation for annual return filing will be e-mailed to you on your e-mail id according to your customer code which you used to file your annual return.

File either financial accountability supplement or annual financial statement

After the annual return has been filed, choose either financial accountability supplement or annual financial statement and file the required details. As an alternative, you can also have a look at the links which are given below-

  • Financial Accountability Supplement:  / maintain your business / financial statements and independent review
  • Annual Financial Supplement: / e-services /  login using customer code and password / transact / document upload / annual financial statements

Will your personal detail as a director or member get revealed in the annual return?

Because of security concerns linked with the disclosure of personal details, CIPC has made the following changes related to annual returns-

  • Only the first 6 digits of a director’s or member’s identification number will be shown
  • The annual return filing certificate won’t show the identity number, contact details or addresses of the director or member.

How can you know when to file annual returns?

CIPC does offer e-mail/SMS reminders to directors (for firms) and members (for corporations)in case it has been offered the correct details while registering the business or updating its details. In case CIPC doesn’t have correct details related to your business, it won’t be able to issue reminders.

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