Experts in iXBRL Solution for CIPC filing

Our solution is designed and delivered by professionals to assure quality and reliability
19 years.  26 countries.  28,000+ clients.  400,000 reports.

Experts in iXBRL Solution for CIPC filing

Our solution is designed and delivered by professionals to assure quality and reliability
19 years.  26 countries.  28,000+ clients.  400,000 reports.


iXBRL Instance Reports Made Easy!

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iXBRL for CIPC Filing

iXBRL is a global digital reporting standard for exchanging business information for financial reporting

As of 1st July 2018, the CIPC (Companies and Intellectual Property Commission) has made it mandatory for qualifying entities in South Africa to submit their Annual Financial Statements (AFS) in an iXBRL (Inline eXtensible Business Reporting Language) format.

The CIPC is also encouraging all entities in South Africa to realize the benefits of iXBRL reporting to improve the quality of their Annual Financial Statements (AFS) through .

Get your iXBRL instance report now


¸£ÀûÊÓƵ iXBRL Solution.

¸£ÀûÊÓƵ offers an iXBRL instance solution that includes both IFRS and GRAP standards. Our iXBRL service caters to the needs of all South African entities that need to convert their Annual Financial Statements from pdf to ixbrl format for CIPC filing.

¸£ÀûÊÓƵ offers both iXBRL tagging service and iXBRL software to provide you with a 100% error-free iXBRL report that will meet the .Ìý

We support the conversion and filing process to ensure successful filing with the regulator. We understand and address the challenges of iXBRL preparation and support the transition to the new CIPC regulatory compliance.

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